Protect Business

Protect your unique creations and rights with our expert support. From copyright to patent registration, we ensure your intellectual property is secure.

Intellectual Property

Your creative ideas protected. Think patents, copyrights, trademarks - safeguard your inventions, writings, and brands.

Trademark Registration

Own your brand name! Protects your logo, slogan, or name from being copied by others. Register for legal protection and build trust with customers.

Good For

Protect Brand Identity

Price Starts From 30000

Patent Registration

Shield your invention! Grants exclusive rights for your new idea (product, process) for a set time. Stop others from copying and gain a competitive edge.

Good For

Secure Invention Rights

Price Starts From 30000

Copyright Registration

Lock in your creative work! Protects original works like books, music, art, software. Provides legal ammo if someone copies and strengthens your claim to ownership.

Good For

Own Creative Work

Price Starts From 30000

Trademark Renewal

Keep your brand secure! Renew your trademark registration every 10 years to maintain legal protection for your logo, slogan, or name. It's quick and ensures you don't lose your hard-earned brand rights.

Good For

Maintain Protection

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Trademark Objection

Hold up! Trademark office might object if your name is too similar to an existing one. Address their concerns or choose a more unique brand to secure your trademark.

Good For

Challenge Similar Mark

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Trademark Opposition

Not so fast! A competitor can challenge your trademark if they think it infringes on theirs. Defend your brand or find a new one to avoid legal battles and protect your business.

Good For

Oppose Confusing Mark

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Design Registration

Guard your unique look! Protects the visual appearance of your product (shape, pattern, etc.) from being copied. Stop imitators and build brand recognition.

Good For

Protect Product Appearance

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